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Broken Legends Roleplay Center EmptySun Sep 25, 2022 7:33 pm by Tsubine

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Broken Legends Roleplay Center EmptySat Sep 17, 2022 12:29 pm by Serenity

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The Soul Society

Soul Society (尸魂界 ;Dead Spirit World) is an afterlife where most Souls dwell until they are reincarnated. Although it may have anachronistic technology levels, the Soul Society resembles life in feudal Japan. The Soul Society consists of the Seireitei, Toryōseiku, and Rukongai. Life in the Soul Society is much like that in the World of the Living. Children can be born and souls can die of old age. When a soul dies in the Soul Society, it is reincarnated as a human in the World of the Living.

Seireitei, Toryōseiku, Rukongai

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The World of the Living

The World of the Living, also referred to as the Human World, Material World, or the Real World, is where living Humans reside. Although once lush and filled with life, the recent Great Lockout which did not allow Shinigami to perform their duties led to a massive imbalance of souls and Hollows running amok. Humankind is still reeling from this disaster, and many cities are barren and thought to be cursed or overrun with demons and devils. Normally, Shinigami are regularly stationed in the Human World. The duties of such Shinigami include finding and sending Pluses to Soul Society and slaying Hollows in order to protect Humans and Pluses. The concentration of Reishi in the atmosphere is lower in the Human World than it is in Hueco Mundo and the Soul Society.

Öndheim, Karakura Town, Cairo, New Orleans, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney

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Hueco Mundo

Hueco Mundo is a dimension much like the Soul Society, and it is the home of Hollows and Arrancar. It is located between the World of the Living and the Soul Society, although it is not connected to them by the Dangai. Unlike the Soul Society with its varied climates and terrain, Hueco Mundo is an endless white desert only occasionally dotted by bone-like trees and rocky formations. The sky is stuck in an endless night with the moon being in the opposite phase of the World of the Living. Like in the Soul Society, the atmosphere is filled with a high concentration of Reishi, thus allowing smaller Hollows to gain nourishment despite the lack of Human souls.

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Past Threads

This board is for threads that happen in a character's history, or far enough in the past that it shouldn't be placed in the regular roleplay sections. Use this board when the thread is more than five years from the current timeline. Otherwise, use a normal board.

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Mature Roleplay

If your thread is turning into "adult only" content, this is where it should go. This area is not for violence because Bleach is automatically a "violent" anime. However, sexual encounters and any other mature content like that should be placed here. If you need a thread moved here, just ask a member of staff.

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Alternate Universe (AU) Board

This board is for any roleplay that you'd like to do outside of the existing site universe. If you wanted to roleplay in the Lord of the Rings, Naruto, or even the canon Bleach universe, that type of roleplay is goes here. This could also be used for combat threads that you don't want to count against site history. For example, want to test out a character's strength against another character? This is where that kind of thread will go. Anything in AU is not counted toward site lore.


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