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    Character Leveling and Upgrading


    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 32
    Location : English

    Character Leveling and Upgrading Empty Character Leveling and Upgrading

    Post by Serenity Tue Aug 16, 2022 4:09 am

    Character Leveling and Upgrading Character_Upgrade_Guide
    Below is the explanation on how leveling and upgrading a character works.


    On Broken Legends, we have brought a gaming feel to character growth. Characters can now be leveled up by gaining experience points through participation in roleplay threads. As a character grows, they will unlock releases, forms, and other bonuses. Use the chart below to figure out where your character is and where they are going.

    Upon the initial character approval, the character automatically has the experience of the level they are approved at. For example, if they are approved at Experienced 2, they have 13,500 experience and are working to the next level.

    Character Leveling and Upgrading Character_Leveling_LEGEND_Colors
    Character Leveling and Upgrading Character_Leveling_Chart_Final

    Chart Explanations

    Experience Level: A character’s experience level is pretty straight forward. This is the character’s overall position. As this level goes higher, they will gain extra points, combat or tier upgrades, or different forms. Each experience level has a total of three milestones before the next.

    Extra Points: There are two columns for extra experience points. A character gains these points when they reach the next full level. As in, they are moving from Untrained to Novice, not from Untrained 2 to Untrained 3.
    Most races have one natural sheet and one racial sheet. Vizards have two racial sheets. You get one set of these extra points per sheet you have. So, every character will get the +16 to their natural sheet. Most races will get the +12 for their single racial sheet, but Vizards will get two +12s, one for each racial sheet they have.

    CPL OR TL UP: This is the choice of the character’s owner. They can choose between gaining a combat prowess level (CPL) or tier level (TL). Not both. The tier and combat level charts can be seen here: Click.

    Obtain: This column shows what level characters are able to officially gain their releases, forms, or unlocks. They can train for them before now, and should be training, but they don’t officially have them until these levels. A requirement for obtaining a new ability is at least one thread showing that the character is training for the ability. Without this thread, your character may be held back.

    Mastery: This column shows the minimum level when a character can fully master one of their forms, releases, or unlocks.

    Bonuses: This column lists occasional bonus levels that characters obtain as they grow.

    Character Upgrades

    Character upgrades are for making changes to your character that don't align with normal growth, such as the creation of a custom ability, a new custom weapon, or desiring small bonuses to the skill sheets that are outside of the leveling chart. Character upgrades are separate from character leveling because:
    1) They are often case-by-case basis.
    2) They may be personal or "one of a kind" additions to characters.
    3) They may be abilities gained through training with specific characters.
    4) They are abilities that few people can access, such as shunko for shinigami.

    How to level your character?

    Characters level by gaining experience. Characters gain experience by participating in threads. There are five types of threads:
    1) Casual Threads: Also called "social threads," they contain no combat or training whatsoever. They are usually just small, fun events between characters, consisting of character and relationship development.
    2) Combat Thread: These threads consist of real, high-stakes combat between characters or NPCs. This could be an Arrancar and a Shinigami trying to kill each other, or a Medium taking out Hollow in the World of the Living to protect their town.
    3) Training Thread: These are low-stakes combat threads where two characters are sparring or taking part in some other form of training with the intention of advancing their abilities in combat.
    4) Event, Non-Combat Thread: These threads are part of major site-wide events, but do not contain any battle or fighting. They can contain anything from meetings, to healing events, to political intrigue, but must impact the direction of the story.
    5) Event, Combat Thread: These threads are part of the site-wide events and are likely battles, wars, or other combat threads that directly impact the direction of the site event.

    The chart below shows the experience gained per thread, based on thread type. You are required to keep track of these numbers and provide the links when you've decided to level up. Reminder, however, do not save up too much experience. A character is only allowed to go up two experience levels in one upgrade.

    Character Leveling and Upgrading Thread_Types_and_Experience

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:49 pm