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» Kei Makabe [WIP]
The Gotei 13 EmptySun Sep 25, 2022 7:33 pm by Tsubine

» Lilith Blake
The Gotei 13 EmptySat Sep 17, 2022 12:29 pm by Serenity

» Tsubine Shirazumi
The Gotei 13 EmptyTue Sep 13, 2022 7:51 pm by Tsubine

» Kaminari Hatakeyama
The Gotei 13 EmptySun Sep 11, 2022 12:38 am by Serenity

» The Gotei 13
The Gotei 13 EmptyFri Sep 09, 2022 5:03 pm by Serenity

» Tsubine's Faced Claims
The Gotei 13 EmptyThu Sep 01, 2022 11:22 pm by Tsubine

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The Gotei 13 EmptyThu Sep 01, 2022 6:09 pm by Serenity

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    The Gotei 13


    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 31
    Location : English

    The Gotei 13 Empty The Gotei 13

    Post by Serenity Sun Aug 21, 2022 2:00 am

    The Gotei 13 The_Gotei_13(1)
    Founded approximately 2500 years ago, the Gotei is the primary military organization for Shinigami. After graduating from Shino Academy, this is where most Shinigami choose to join. The main duty of the Gotei 13 is the protection and balance of the soul cycle. Other duties include the defense and guidance of souls within the Soul Society and Human World, the defense of both the Soul Society and Human World, and the purification of Hollow.

    Structure: There are thirteen Divisions making up the Gotei 13. Leading each Division is a Captain. Every Captain runs their Division the way they see fit. However, each Division is assigned a specific duty. Under the Captain is a Lieutenant, chosen by the Captain of the Division, based on their own criteria, and who may act in the absence of the Captain. Beneath Lieutenants are ten Seated Officers, placed in ascending order from highest rank (3rd Seat) to lowest rank (10th Seat). Everyone after the Tenth Seat is considered a member. Shinigami gain their rank on merit and ability, so they must work to keep their positions. Inactive characters may be knocked down from their ranks, or someone busting their ass may jump up in rank and knock others down.

    Becoming a Captain: To become a Captain, a character must meet certain requirements. The first requirement is having bankai. The second requirement is the in-character approval for Captaincy by 2 Captains and the Captain Commander. After these requirements are met, there are two ways of becoming a Captain: an open spot or by challenge. If there is an open spot, the character can claim it. If there is no free spot, the character must challenge an existing Captain for their position. The conditions of the challenge are created by the Captain being challenged, so do not always expect an outright fight. If a Captain denies a challenge, they are required to present valid reasons why the challenge should not be allowed. If they cannot convince five Captains of this, they must take part in the challenge or forgeit their position as Captain to the challenger.

    Becoming a Lieutenant: The only requirement for a Lieutenant position is the possession of shikai and the approval by the Captain of the Division they request.

    The 1st Division

    The Gotei 13 HysaJB
    Division Motto: Power Above All
    Division Color: ██████
    Division Duty: Command and Rapid Response Team.
    Duty Description: The Central Command of the 1st Division is when they deal with Central 46, keeping Divisions updated with major changes (like laws), handing out missions to Divisions, and records keeping. The Rapid Response Teams are an "on-call" group of Shinigami that respond immediately to sudden requests, such as a squad in need of emergency aid or an unpredictable Hollow invasion.

    The 2nd Division

    The Gotei 13 6Ffz8Q
    Division Motto: Seek Nothing.
    Division Color: ██████
    Division Duty: Infiltration, communication, steath, reconnaissance.
    Duty Description: The 2nd Division specializes in methods of infiltration, stealth, and reconnaissance. Their focus is about being able to secretly obtain, deliver, and extract information. They also focus on jobs that may require blending in, quick ins and outs, or someone that won't get caught.

    The 3rd Division

    The Gotei 13 Ad8Vv9
    Division Motto: Honor from Within
    Division Color: ██████
    Division Duty: Gotei Law Enforcement.
    Duty Description: Also known as "internal affairs," the 3rd Division acts as a police force for those inside the Seireitei. They make sure that laws within the Seireitei aren't being broken. They deal with treasonous behaviors, such as deserters, traitors, or anyone seen as "corrupt." They also deal with smaller crimes, such as theft, not showing up for duty, assault between Gotei members, and other known crimes that can be thought of.

    The 4th Division

    The Gotei 13 3Cjkje
    Division Motto: Second Chances
    Division Color: ██████
    Division Duty: Kaidō, Healing Specialists.
    Duty Description: The Fourth Division is mostly known for "cleaning up" after other Divisions. They're often used as janitorial staff. However, they are also those who hold lives in their hands when things go bad. They are healing and medical specialists, and they are often requested to go along with other Divisions when a particularly difficult mission is being handled.

    The 5th Division

    The Gotei 13 XvSX0M
    Division Motto: Untrodden Path
    Division Color: ██████
    Division Duty: Kido Specialists.
    Duty Description: Not to be mixed up with the Kido Corp, the 5th Division is filled with those who specialize in all Kido, not just barriers and seals. They are kido-of-all-type users and their job is to respond to requests of other Divisions who need their expertise, simliar to how the 4th Division may be called for healing.

    The 6th Division

    The Gotei 13 WlnN3z
    Division Motto: Courage.
    Division Color: ██████
    Division Duty: Protection of the World of the Living. The Americas.
    Duty Description: The 6th, 7th, and 8th Division are all assigned to specific parts of the Human World. Their jobs are to purify hollow, guide souls to the Soul Society, create positive relationships with Quincy and Humans, and handle any Quincy or Humans that are crossing lines or can't control their powers.

    The 7th Division

    The Gotei 13 F5lPGV
    Division Motto: Noble Reason
    Division Color: ██████
    Division Duty: Protection of the World of the Living. Europe and Africa. Quincy Diplomacy.
    Duty Description: The 6th, 7th, and 8th Division are all assigned to specific parts of the Human World. Their jobs are to purify hollow, guide souls to the Soul Society, create positive relationships with Quincy and Humans, and handle any Quincy or Humans that are crossing lines or can't control their powers.

    The 8th Division

    The Gotei 13 VKJVfj
    Division Motto: Perserverance.
    Division Color: ██████
    Division Duty: Protection of the World of the Living. Asia and Oceania.
    Duty Description: The 6th, 7th, and 8th Division are all assigned to specific parts of the Human World. Their jobs are to purify hollow, guide souls to the Soul Society, create positive relationships with Quincy and Humans, and handle any Quincy or Humans that are crossing lines or can't control their powers.

    The 9th Division

    The Gotei 13 UQr8Qd
    Division Motto: Forever Reaching.
    Division Color: ██████
    Division Duty: Protection of the Rukongai, North and East.
    Division Description: The 9th and 10th Divisions are assigned to guard the Rukongai. Due to the chaotic nature of the rural city that surrounds the Seireitei, they need some policing. The 9th and 10th Divisions job are to enforce laws, protect the souls there, and purify any Hollow that make their way through.

    The 10th Division

    The Gotei 13 XVXJil
    Division Motto: Indomitable Will.
    Division Color: ██████
    Division Duty: Protection of the Rukongai, South and West.
    Division Description: The 9th and 10th Divisions are assigned to guard the Rukongai. Due to the chaotic nature of the rural city that surrounds the Seireitei, they need some policing. The 9th and 10th Divisions job are to enforce laws, protect the souls there, and purify any Hollow that make their way through.

    The 11th Division

    The Gotei 13 HGH5b3
    Division Motto: Unspoken Truths.
    Division Color: ██████
    Division Duty: Bounty Hunters. Combat Specialists. Hueco Mundo Offensive.
    Division Description: Those of the 11th Division specialize in combat. They focus their efforts on increasing their power because they act as bounty hunters for the strongest Hollow and Arrancar. They also are the offensive force moving into Hueco Mundo to handle the immense increase of Hollows and Arrancar that has happened in the last few years.

    The 12th Division

    The Gotei 13 FGArkM
    Division Motto: Everything is Obtained
    Division Color: ██████
    Division Duty: Research & Development
    Division Description: As the R&D Division, these are often the more intelligent and strategic members of the Gotei. Their job is to advance Soul Society technology in order to make lives easier for Shinigami and souls alike.

    The 13th Division

    The Gotei 13 NxkaiL
    Division Motto: Hope.
    Division Color: ██████
    Division Duty: Reserves and Shino Academy.
    Division Description: The reserves are a group of Shinigami that have semi-retired, but don't want to be on the sidelines permanently. They choose to become teachers and advance the education of those coming into Shino Academy. However, they may be called upon at any time, such as with the "Lockout" crisis, to act as backup.


    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 31
    Location : English

    The Gotei 13 Empty Re: The Gotei 13

    Post by Serenity Sun Aug 21, 2022 3:41 am

    The Gotei 13 The_Gotei_13(1)

    The 1st Division

    The Gotei 13 HysaJB
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:
    8th Seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th Seat:

    The 2nd Division

    The Gotei 13 6Ffz8Q
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:
    8th Seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th Seat:

    The 3rd Division

    The Gotei 13 Ad8Vv9
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:
    8th Seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th Seat:

    The 4th Division

    The Gotei 13 3Cjkje
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:
    8th Seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th Seat:

    The 5th Division

    The Gotei 13 XvSX0M
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:
    8th Seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th Seat:

    The 6th Division

    The Gotei 13 WlnN3z
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:
    8th Seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th Seat:

    The 7th Division

    The Gotei 13 F5lPGV
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:
    8th Seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th Seat:

    The 8th Division

    The Gotei 13 VKJVfj
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:
    8th Seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th Seat:

    The 9th Division

    The Gotei 13 UQr8Qd
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:
    8th Seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th Seat:

    The 10th Division

    The Gotei 13 XVXJil
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:
    8th Seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th Seat:

    The 11th Division

    The Gotei 13 HGH5b3
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:
    8th Seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th Seat:

    The 12th Division

    The Gotei 13 FGArkM
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:
    8th Seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th Seat:

    The 13th Division

    The Gotei 13 NxkaiL
    3rd Seat:
    4th Seat:
    5th Seat:
    6th Seat:
    7th Seat:
    8th Seat:
    9th Seat:
    10th Seat:


    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 31
    Location : English

    The Gotei 13 Empty Re: The Gotei 13

    Post by Serenity Sun Aug 21, 2022 3:42 am

    The Gotei 13 The_Gotei_13(1)

    Gotei 13 Membership Application

    Use the code below to apply for your character's position in the Gotei 13.

    Gotei Membership Application
    Character Name:
    Position Desired:
    Character Tier:
    Character Combat Level:
    Character Experience Level:
    Approved Character Link:

    [b][u]Gotei Membership Application[/u][/b]
    [b]Character Name:[/b]
    [b]Position Desired:[/b]
    [b]Character Tier:[/b]
    [b]Character Combat Level:[/b]
    [b]Character Experience Level:[/b]
    [b]Approved Character Link:[/b]

    Gotei 13 Membership Reserve

    Use the code below to reserve your character's position in the Gotei 13 for a period of 2 weeks.

    Gotei Membership Reservation
    Character Name:
    Position Reserving:

    [b][u]Gotei Membership Reservation[/u][/b]
    [b]Character Name:[/b]
    [b]Position Reserving:[/b]


    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 30
    Location : Not-so-sunny California

    The Gotei 13 Empty Re: The Gotei 13

    Post by Tsubine Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:12 am

    Gotei Membership Reserve
    Character Name: Kei Makabe
    Position Desired: 5th Division Captain
    Character Link:

    Gotei Membership Reserve
    Character Name: Saitō Ishigami
    Position Desired: 3rd Division Lieutenant
    Character Link:

    Gotei Membership Reserve
    Character Name: Ayame Sazanami
    Position Desired: 1st Division Lieutenant
    Character Link:

    Gotei Membership Reserve
    Character Name: Eisuke Aida
    Position Desired: 9th Division 6th Seat
    Character Link:

    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 31
    Location : English

    The Gotei 13 Empty Re: The Gotei 13

    Post by Serenity Fri Sep 09, 2022 5:03 pm

    Gotei Membership Reservation
    Character Name: Lilith Blake
    Position Reserving: Head Captain
    Comments/Notes: Fear the red mountain!

    Gotei Membership Reservation
    Character Name: Kaminari Hatakeyama
    Position Reserving: Lieutenant, 8th Division
    Comments/Notes: Inner office relationships are ignored here.

    Gotei Membership Reservation
    Character Name: J. Saionji
    Position Reserving: Captain, 13th Division
    Comments/Notes: Headmaster Saionji is here.

    Gotei Membership Reservation
    Character Name: Touko Ishizaki
    Position Reserving: Lieutenant, 12th Division
    Comments/Notes: "You will fight again, if that is your desire."

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    The Gotei 13 Empty Re: The Gotei 13

    Post by Sponsored content

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