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    Kei Makabe [WIP]


    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 30
    Location : Not-so-sunny California

    Kei Makabe [WIP] Empty Kei Makabe [WIP]

    Post by Tsubine Sun Sep 25, 2022 7:33 pm

    Shinigami Template

    Basic Details

    Name: Kei Makabe (十壁 桂; Makabe Kei)
    Nicknames/Aliases: Witch of the Gotei (護廷の魔女; Gotei no Majo)
    Appearance Age: ~25
    Actual Age: 382
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 165lbs


    Character Information

    Pride. Kei is one of the most prideful Shinigami alive—rivalled mostly only by J. Saionji. Most would expect this to turn her into a cold, haughty bitch. It'd make her the standard holier-than-thou noble. She is far from it—mostly because she is a noble with no blue blood in her veins. There are things Kei is far above doing, and she freely admits when she is. However, she still does it anyway. Her philosophy is that her station allows her the utmost freedom within the law. Others of her class would not be caught dead playing handball or attending crass rakugo performances—and yet Kei will get just as sweaty and laugh just as loud as any other attendant.

    Kei rarely uses her positions to strong-arm anyone, but she does use it to put lesser nobles in their place. It's part of what allowed her and J. Saionji to get along. Neither of them can stand nobles who use their nobility for nefarious means. Selfish means? She can deal with that. But if you're running a brothel, she'll make sure that it's being ran Right. Unlike J, however, she is more the type to actively call out a member of the nobility without hesitation. The first time is with tact. Any time after is not. This does not just apply to the nobility, as she also calls out her fellow Captains as well.

    If Lilith Blake is the unofficial mother of the Gotei, then Kei is one of the unofficial big sisters. She has a reputation for being harsh on mistakes made by her underlings, but she's surprisingly forgiving towards other divisions. To her, they don't have her training so of course how could they live up to her expectations? The 13th Division is the only one she remotely is harsh towards if only because of J.'s own reputation.

    Kei has no attraction to the male sex. She's admitted to J. that he's the only man she could have fallen for—but even that's because his longer hair makes him ever-so-slightly feminine. She's a hopeless romantic with a weak spot for soft lips and huge tits. She freely courts any woman she fancies—save for anyone in the other Great Noble Houses—and has even been seen arm-in-arm with pairs of women. As she is one of the main sponsors for the Shinigami Women's Association, it has been jokingly referred to as her hunting grounds.

    J. is mentioned here a lot and that is because to her, J. is the only true noble among the blue-bloods and is one of the few she considers a close friend. He has all the qualities befitting a noble (save for the stick up his ass, but she uses that a teasing point). Most of all, he "practices what he preaches." Kei admires J., and she's not shy of that fact. If anything, it's something that she almost prides herself in. She's got a goal because of it. One day, she's going to make the Makabe the epitome of a noble family. When a commoner thinks of what a noble should be, it won't be the Saionji they imagine—it'll be the Makabe.

    Shinigami Powerset

    Trained Abilities:
    Kidō: Kei's skill with Kidō is, without a doubt, incredible. She's a prodigy with it. Or rather, she's more like a perfect vessel with an ideal balance between two forces—one of raw, destructive power that is found in Hadō and one of a desire of control that can be directly applied to the world outside that is found in Bakudō. Unfortunately, this balance leaves very little room for other types of Kidō. Tracking Kidō, Kaidō, and Kidō that are designed to confuse an opponent or obscure oneself she is woefully average at. Kaidō, especially, is horrible for her. However, she does have a knack for Kidō that are good at keeping things out. Thus, shields like Dankū are almost as good as her other Bakudō.

    • Sanjū Eishō (三重詠唱, Threefold Incantation): This is perhaps the best way to show Kei's skill in Kidō. Sanjū Eishō is casting three Kidō at the same time using full incantations Kidō. The amount of self-control required means that this is simply impossible for most practitioners of the skill. However, Kei has such a knack for Kidō that this actually is possible for her. All three Kidō must equal her Kidō skill when added together.
    • Kengen (顕現, "Manifestation"): This is perhaps the best way to show Kei's skill in Kidō. Kei understands the fundamentals of Kidō to their fullest. She is capable of manipulating some of the fundamentals. This is similar to Eishōhaki (詠唱破棄, "Incantation Abandonment"), where the caster does not use the incantation. Kengen allows Kei to "inscribe" Kidō. This can come in the form of scrolls, ofuda, and other similar items. Kengen-based Kidō use the creator's level in Kidō and do not use the caster's Reiryoku to cast them. They are created by infusing the creator's Reiryoku into ink and cementing the casting in the object in question.

    Custom Kidō: Kei, being a prodigy at Kidō, has created and modified multiple Kidō over the years.

    Hohō: As a ranged combat specialist, Kei should be better at Hohō. She isn't. In fact, she has a hard grasp on it. Instead, she uses Kidō to replicate Hohō effects.
    Zanjutsu: Kei is OK with Zanjutsu, but mostly for defensive measures—she's particularly good with parries.
    Hakuda: Kei's skill in Hakuda is average at best, but she has a very strong grasp on precise maneuvers. As long as it doesn't take raw strength to use, she's capable of performing it.
    Kaidō: Kei understands why and how Kaidō works almost as well as she understands how Kidō works. However, she has no actual skill in the art. She's not able to use it in any format.

    The Zanpakuto

    Zanpakuto Release Phrase:
    Zanpakuto Appearance:

    Zanpakutō Spirit Appearance: (Optional)
    Zanpakutō Spirit Personality: (Optional)
    Zanpakutō Spirit World: (Optional)

    Shikai Name:
    Shikai Appearance:
    Shikai Abilities:

    Bankai Name:
    Bankai Appearance:
    Bankai Abilities:

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:42 pm