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    The Rules of B.L.


    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 30
    Location : Not-so-sunny California

    The Rules of B.L. Empty The Rules of B.L.

    Post by Tsubine Wed Aug 03, 2022 12:41 am

    The Rules of B.L. Rules


    Maturity and Common Sense:
    Members of B:BL are here for fun. Everyone has their own goals, opinions, etc... All members of B:BL are expected to be respectful and welcoming to each other. If a problem arises that cannot be handled calmly or in private, contact the appropriate staff member. Contacting staff should not be your immediate choice.

    Member Behavior

    1. No one is perfect and everyone is different. Respect is key.
    2. Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated.
    3. Not safe for work (NSFW) topics are regulated to specific areas.
    4. Do not spam/repeatedly bump a topic or character application.
    5. Staff are human. We have obligations outside of the site. Give them time to complete tasks.

    Rules of Roleplay

    1. All roleplay must be written in third person. No text talk. No "L33T speak."
    2. To roleplay with a character, the character must be approved.
    3. You are allowed an unlimited number of characters.
    4. Characters can appear in multiple threads at once. It is your responsibility to keep track of their timeline.
    5. Thread Tags: Use these to let others know whether the thread can be joined or not.
    • Open: Everyone is welcome to join.
    • Private: Only those invited are welcome to join.
    • Closed: Thread is complete.

    6. Characters are not perfect. While taking into account their powers and stats, do not do any of these:
    • God-modding: Making a character automatically hit, invincible, untouchable, etc.
    • Meta-gaming: Using outside or “Out of Character” knowledge in-character.
    • Power-playing: Taking control of another character's actions.

    7. While Rated X encounters are allowed, they will be kept to the adult-only section under the roleplay board.

    Character Creation

    1. Use the provided templates to fill out all required information about your character. If you'd like to add more to the template, that is up to you, but the templates are the minimum requirement.
    2. Characters that are not complete can be saved in the Work in Progress or "WIP" section.
    3. If you want a character's history involved with yours, you must ask permission.
    4. Take advantage of the Faceclaim center to keep your appearances claimed.
    5. All character powers must adhere to the chart below. Pick one:
    The Rules of B.L. PowerTriangle
    6. For powers like mind control, there is an addition to rule 5. The power must be able to be resisted or overcome.
    7. There are certain types of powers that do no belong on this site. These powers are banned:
    • Dimensional Travel
    • Time Travel
    • Tachyon Powers
    • Antimatter
    • Anything that goes against the power triangle

    8. The following is a list of powers that are allowed, but monitored:
    • Emotion-based
    • Poison abilities
    • Blood-control
    • Mind-control


    1. A person becomes inactive after two months of absence.
    2. Talking in Discord does not count as activity.
    3. You can create a Leave of Absence (LOA) to protect your position.
    4. Returning from inactivity will allow you to unarchive your characters and unclaimed Faceclaims.

    Other Rules
    1. Auto-playing Youtube, or other music or videos, is not allowed.
    2. Bumping your thread should not occur more than once every 3-5 days. Do not bump RP threads.

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:49 pm