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    Medium Racial Information


    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 32
    Location : English

    Medium Racial Information Empty Medium Racial Information

    Post by Serenity Thu Aug 18, 2022 11:43 pm

    Medium Racial Information
    (Spiritually Awakened Humans)

    The Basics

    Throughout history, many people have claimed to possess power beyond normal comprehension. Whether they were called witches, psychics, magicians, saviors, or sorcerers, they were rare and most claims were false. In the last few decades, a defense mechanism has allowed humans to evolve, and spiritually awaken, because the World of the Living has experienced an unprecedented influx of reiryoku. See “The Lockout.”

    From the point of view of humankind, powerful white-masked monsters appeared in the world around fifty years ago. They quickly defined these monsters as “Demons.” Demons were wreaking havoc, slaughtering innocent people, and destroying lives. Soon, it became clear that their target was not just any living human, but anyone with spiritual awareness.

    Demons Demons are just Hollow and Arrancar. They are called Demons in the World of the Living because of how the word is engrained in the culture of the realm.

    Unbound Soul An Unbound Soul is a soul that needs to move on from the World of the Living. They are always in danger of being attacked, making them a threat to the living.

    Medium A Medium is a spiritually aware human who can see and communicate with spiritual beings, such as Shinigami, Hollow, or Unbound Souls. Mediums range in power from “barely over human strength” to rivalling some of the strongest Arrancar.

    The Medium Powerset

    The Medium Power Source: Mediums use their powers by drawing on the energy that make up their own souls, reishi. They cannot draw on reishi outside of their bodies.

    Spiritual Nature: A Medium’s “Spiritual Nature” is the inner essence of the character. It represents who they are, what they believe in, what they’ve gone through, the legacy of their family, or the fruit of the knowledge they’ve gained. It can be anything, but it must derive from who they truly are. This is important because the Medium’s Spiritual Nature will shape their power. A hotheaded wild child will not possess the ability to heal. It is against who they are, and a person’s soul will not go against their own nature.

    When creating a Spiritual Nature, remember that it's not a long sentence. It could be something as simple as the word "Animal" to a phrase 4-5 words long, such as "Night of the Full Moon." Be creative and have fun with your Spiritual Nature.

    The Abilities of a Medium: There is very little limiting what a Medium is able to do. If you would like a character who controls fire, can fly, talk to animals, has enhanced strength, or just about anything else out there, it can happen if it adheres to their Spiritual Nature.

    Loss of Nature: In some cases, it is possible for a Medium’s powerset to completely change. In cases of amnesia, change of beliefs, new traumas, or even a midlife crisis, a powerset can suddenly become something different. When this happens, however, the characters abilities will be penalized; their combat level and experience will be lowered because of the need to relearn control, train new techniques, and reconnect with their new powers. In some cases, the tier may also need to be lowered depending on the reason for the reset.

    Anima Forma "Soul Form" in English. Anima Forma is the embodiment of a Medium's Spiritual Nature. It is a form, or an ability, they can unlock to push their powers further and overcome the most dangerous of obstacles. To obtain this form, a Medium must train and gain enough experience with their power to figure this form out. Unlike bankai, where the powers are set in stone before discovering them, an Anima Forma is shaped by the wielder. It comes about with their own thoughts as they envision what it will be like.

    Soul Interaction: Unlike Quincy, Medium do not destroy Hollow or Arrancar. They purify them like a Shinigami does, letting them back into the soul cycle. However, they have no ability to help normal souls because they have no form of konso.

    The Skill Sheet:

    Temperantia: The ability of energy control and manifestation. This skill governs ability to call on the reishi of a Medium’s soul and manifest it correctly as their magic. When this number is low, it is very likely a Medium will wear our their reishi very quickly. This can cause them to sweat, pass out, become ill, or even die depending on how much they push. The higher this number is, the less likely it is for a Medium to harm themselves or their souls.

    Coniveo: This is the Medium’s movement ability. Unlike other techniques, however, this is an instant movement through space. There is no movement in between that can be seen or caught. Due to the nature of this ability, Mediums can become disoriented. A Medium with a low mastery may end up upside down, in the wrong place, or use too much energy. The higher the skill, the better they can maneuver and the quicker than can pull it off.

    Renasci: This technique is the Medium’s regeneration ability. By drawing on their reishi, they can rapidly heal their own body. The higher the number, the more damage they can heal. At lower numbers (think around 10-20), this ability may only regenerate cuts and bruises. However, at high numbers (think around 60+), someone can regrow parts of their body.

    Praesidium: This is an innate ability of Mediums. It is a form of “spiritual resistance.” This ability allows Mediums to naturally resist the effects of reiatsu, the hollow’s acid touch, or attacks from kido, cero, bala, and any other reiryoku abilities. However, this does not count against the usage of a zanpakuto or reishi. The maximum amount of resistance this ability is capable of giving is approximately 50%. No character will be immune.

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:48 pm