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    Quincy Information


    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 30
    Location : Not-so-sunny California

    Quincy Information Empty Quincy Information

    Post by Tsubine Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:40 am

    What are Quincy?

    The Quincy are a race of humans who have the ability to manipulate the Reishi around them in order to fight against other spiritual beings. Unlike during the process of Konsō, any spiritual being killed by a Quincy is destroyed and not added to the Soul Cycle. The energy that made up the soul is instead crystallized. The Quincy are the natural enemy to the Hollow—moreso than even Shinigami—but they are also the antithesis to the world created and maintained by the Gotei 13. 

    There are two notable traits about the Quincy and are what identify them from a distance: the Quincy Cross and the Spirit Weapon. The Quincy Cross or Zeichen (Mark) is a small, metal item that is formed when a Quincy first begins to absorb Reishi. Although they are not confined to this shape, a standard Quincy Cross is a 5-pointed star capable of fitting into the palm of an adult's hand. The cross is as durable as a Zanpakutō and heals just like one. If it is broken, a sufficient time meditating and focusing the user's own Reiryoku into it will repair the cross. The Quincy Cross is used as a focus for Reishi absorption and manipulation. This is primarily used for the formation and use of the Quincy's Spirit Weapon.

    Quincy Abilities

    The Spirit Weapon is the primary form of combat for the Quincy formed by condensing Reiryoku into a shape the user is comfortable with. The usual and stereotypical shape of a Spirit Weapon is that of a bow. This is because of the main usage of the Quincy's Reishi manipulation: Heilig Pfeil (Holy Arrow) which are arrows of Reishi. The strength of the arrows depends on the amount of Reishi absorbed. But the more Reishi that is absorbed to form an arrow, the more damage done as Reishi "burns" the user. This means that for most, it is more advantageous to opt for many, smaller arrows rather than a single, larger one. Although Spirit Weapons are usually made of Reiryoku, items can be infused with the Quincy Cross to act as a Spirit Weapon as well. 

    With training, a Quincy can further infuse their Spirit Weapon with their Reiryoku to power it with their own soul. With this, a Quincy becomes far more unique in the application of their abilities. This modifies their Quincy Cross with an initial—a single letter representing the basics of their ability. These letters are known as Schrift (Script), and each of them comes from something they are bound to. Someone whose family was lost in fire may have B for Bond, F for Flame, L for Loss, etc. Some common Schrift (such as Flame) are not unique to one individual person. 

    Quincy Techniques

    The Quincy techniques are based around Sklaverei (Enslavement). Sklaverei is the absorption of Reishi. This is the foundation of all the Quincy techniques and abilities, although mastery is not required to master other techniques. Sklaverei is simply the absorption, whereas the other Quincy abilities are manipulation of what was absorbed. Higher skill in Sklaverei only affects what can be broken down. At higher levels, even buildings within the Soul Society or Hueco Mundo can be broken down. It can not be used to break down living bodies, no matter how weak.

    The only internal use of Reishi is that of Blut (Blood). Blut is making Reishi flow directly into the Quincy's blood stream. This is split into two forms of Blut: Blut Arterie (Blood Artery) and Blut Vene (Blood Vein). Blut Arterie works by pushing Reishi out of the body at higher concentrations, leading to an offense in attack power. Blut Vene, on the other hand, is allowing the Reishi the move slower within the body and spread further out, allowing for enhanced durability. The weakness of Blut is that only one form can be activated at a time and there is a period between alternating the two where neither is active. Higher levels of Blut do more to raise the defensive or offensive capabilities.

    As the Quincy are masters of Reishi manipulation, they are capable of using Reishi in far different ways than other spiritual races. Their high-speed movement technique Aufkleben (Mounting; also known as Hirenkyaku {飛廉脚, Pure Flying Step}) is "riding" the flow of Reishi beneath their feet. As it is "riding" on something existing, it's therefore more energy effecient than its counterparts of Hohō and Sonído. Higher levels further increase its effeciency and speed.

    The Quincy do not have much of a unified energy attack system such as Kidō, but they do have more variety than Cero. Their specialized energy attacks fall under the category of Zauber (Conjuration). Zauber is usually done by storing Reishi in an item and enchanting it to have a desired effect upon use. The two most common are Behälter (Container; also known as Gintō {銀筒, Silver Tubes})  and Seele Schneider (Soul Cutter). Behälter are small, lighter-sized tubes of silver that has been rune-like carvings on the inside that store and liquidize Reishi. When the Reishi is poured out, it covers the carvings and will replicate the result of the carvings. Although it is not as universal as Kidō, it can be compared to their version of it. Seele Schneider is an arrow haft that when activated creates a blade that vibrates at incredible speeds to separate Reishi bonds within spiritual bodies. It is not uncommon for Seele Schneider to be used as swords. Higher levels allow for more complex and stronger usages of Behälter and other Quincy magicks. 

    Quincy Forms

    Vollständig (Complete) is the ultimate form for Quincy. It is not an entirely unique power (like a Shinigami's Bankai), but rather an enhancement of what the Quincy can already do. Their Schrift, Spirit Weapon, Sklaverei, Aufkleben, and Reiryoku-based senses are enhanced significantly. Vollständig takes on a variety of appearances, but most commonly gives its user an angel-like appearance, with wing-like Reishi constructs and a star-like Quincy Cross for a halo, which is known as a Heiligenschein (Halo). Its main weakness is universal: the strain that it puts the body through is enhanced by the same degree as the Reishi manipulation. But with enough training, due to Vollständig effectively using an external power source it can outlast a Bankai even if it may not match in strength or "uniqueness." 

    Although Vollständig is the complete form of the Quincy, it is not the only "form" available to them. All Quincy have the ability to willingly break their Quincy Cross to allow their own bodies to be both the filter and focus for Sklaverei. This takes a heavy toll on the user's body, usually leaving them dead afterward. By using their own body in this way, they are capable of converting their own Reiryoku into Reishi to be used. This gives the Quincy stronger Reishi to be used with their abilities. This form is called Letzt Stil (Last Style) because when a Quincy uses it, they burn through their entire Reiryoku reserves. This leaves the Quincy without power.

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:50 pm