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    Arrancar Racial Information


    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 30
    Location : Not-so-sunny California

    Arrancar Racial Information Empty Arrancar Racial Information

    Post by Tsubine Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:54 pm

    What are Arrancar?

    Arrancar are, above all else, the final evolution of the Hollow form. Unlike the Hollow themselves, Arrancar find themselves capable of more than just mindlessly following their instincts, no longer having the absolute desire to consume souls and instead being capable of choosing their own path—to a degree. Just as not all Shinigami are inherently ‘good’, not all Arrancar are inherently ‘evil.’ However, Arrancar are beings originally born of negative emotions and were driven by a desire to consume as Hollows. Although Arrancar may be capable of 'good' actions, it is impossible for 'good' Arrancar to exist. 

    Arrancar are created when a Hollow's mask is broken. This can be a natural occurrence as the Hollow evolves and grows in strength to the point where its body can no longer contain the power within. It can also be forced upon a Hollow by a stronger Arrancar breaking it and forcing evolution upon the Hollow. There are likely other ways, but they are not widely-known.

    Arrancar are easily distinguished from other spiritual races on appearance alone. Each Arrancar has a Hollow hole somewhere on the body. They also have a part of their Hollow form known as an Estigma (Scar/Stigma), which is a remnant of their Hollow mask.

    Arrancar Techniques

    • Cero and Bala: (Zero and Bullet) Easily the most recognizable of the Arrancar techniques, the Cero is both simple in its conception and uniquely modifiable. The practitioner fires a powerful blast of concentrated spiritual energy at the target. While in most cases it is fired from the mouth, some Arrancar can fire Cero from their hands, fingers, and other parts of their bodies. The color is generally in line with the Arrancar’s own spiritual energies. Further variations of the basic Cero apply, some more powerful than others.

      While similar in function to a Cero, a Bala is not nearly as powerful, but, thanks to its composition, its speed is 20 times faster, allowing it to be fired in quick succession. In addition, it possesses more concussive force than a typical Cero does.

    • Hierro: (Iron) Hierro is one of the two defensive powers of Arrancar. Hierro is condensing a user's Reiryoku into steel-hard skin, usually strong enough to block a Zanpakutō. 

    • Zurcidura: (Mending) Zurcidura is the other defensive powers of an Arrancar. It is effectively high-speed regeneration. Although Hollow are capable of using it as well, it is less of an instinctual ability for Arrancar. It allows Arrancar to recover from any damage they sustain by causing them to heal at a drastically increased rate. While this ability to regenerate is indeed powerful, it is not without its flaws. Despite the extent to which it can heal the body, complex internal organs, such as the brain and heart, cannot be regenerated; if such irreparable damage is sustained, the rest of the body can continue to regenerate, though to no avail. In addition, if the body is damaged before it has the chance to heal, or if enough damage is inflicted at once, it can be destroyed nonetheless.

    • Sonído: (Sound) Sonído is the high-speed movement technique of the Arrancar. Unlike the silent Shunpo, Sonído makes a staticky booming sound. 

    Arrancar Forms

    Unlike all other races, all Arrancar are capable of using their first form upon creation. This first form is Resurrección (Resurrection). Remember how natural Arrancar are formed when their body can no longer contain their power? This is because their Hollow powers are stored within a Zanpakutō. When they release their Resurrección, they unleash their true power and their true form. The only time they can return to their humanoid form is when they reseal their powers. Usually, an Arrancar’s Resurrección is more Hollow-like than humanoid. 

    The second form available to Arrancar is Resurrección: Segunda Etapa (Resurrection: Second Stage). This form is rare, and many Arrancar never know of its existence. Unlike Resurrección, a Segunda Etapa is more humanoid than Hollow-like. This is because Segunda Etapa is not only further realizing what was possible with Resurrección but also condensing it into a more humanoid form. 

      Current date/time is Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:35 am