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    Kaminari Hatakeyama


    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 32
    Location : English

    Kaminari Hatakeyama Empty Kaminari Hatakeyama

    Post by Serenity Sun Sep 11, 2022 12:38 am

    Kaminari's Basic Information

    Name: Kaminari Hatakeyama
    Aliases: None
    Age: 205
    Age Appearance: Late teens, early 20s
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'0"
    Weight: 110
    Affiliation: Gotei 13, 8th Division
    Position: Lieutenant

    Kaminari Hatakeyama KamiAppearance

    Kaminari's Personality

    Kaminari comes off as easily approachable. She's petite, always smiling, and never seems to have a bad day. She also comes off as a tad too friendly because she's a bit of a people pleaser. Even if it works her too hard, she goes above and beyond for those she wants to be her friends. She does this out of habit and a desire to make friends and fit in with everyone. Kaminari is the type to attract extroverts becase she easily drains the energy of an introvert.

    Kaminari is a happy person. She doesn't see a reason to not be and calls being sad a waste of her time. She is also honest to a fault. She doesn't care about tiny lies, but anything where the answer might matter, she's honest about it, even if she hurts someone's feelings. Kaminari has some childish tendencies, usually expressed with lots of energy and excitement. It can throw some people off, but she doesn't care. For once, Kaminari is happy with who she is.

    Kaminari has a strongly rooted fear of being alone. Her need to people please and make friends stem from this fear. The idea of losing her friends and loved ones terrifies her. They're irreplaceable. She doesn't like making people mad because it alienates her from them, and can also cause problems with her friends and her job. Her job is extremely important to her as well. She took the job on to stop bad from happening to as many people as possible.

    Kaminari spends her free time training, with her friends, or in the kitchen. There are some that think she should train more than she does, and they're probably right, but she makes sure to get the required hours in. If her friends are training with her, it's more fun, so she'll do extra training with them. If not, some time out in town, going shopping, and eating up a storm is preferred. If no one is around, Kaminari is a surprisingly good cook.

    Kaminari's Background

    Life Before Death (1865-1882)
    Kaminari remembers very little of her early life. What she does remember are stories her mother told her. They traveled from the U.S. back to Japan when Kaminari was five to flee the descrimination. Her Father was left behind and sent them money and letters when he could, but they never saw him again. One day, the letters stopped and they could only assume the he was killed because her mother insisted that he would never abandon them. Because of her half-white heritage, Kaminari was shunned or bullied. She wasn't allowed in school, and she never made any friends. When she was fourteen, Kaminari woke to her home being destroyed and her mother being killed by a hollow. She starved to death, alone in a Kyoto alley three years later.

    Surviving the Rukongai(1882-1892)
    Life in the Rukongai was an unexpected disappointment. There were many things she expected, even hoped for, but a mimcry of the slums of Kyoto wasn't one of them. She was back to starving, hiding from people, and being alone. Depression took over her life for years and she wasn't motivated to do anything. That changed when a shinigami made their way through the Rukongai. People treated him like a celebrity, and it caught her interest. When he got too close, unfortunately, Kaminari passed out under the weight of his reiatsu. When she woke, she was being taken care of by the shinigami. He gave her food, water, and explained why she passed out. He made it clear that if she wanted a better life, there was one way to do it.

    Years at the Academy (1892-1900)
    Once she was has Kaminari enrolled at Shino Academy. She kept to herself and focused on her studies, mainly on getting back in shape. Half-way through her first year, she was partnered in a sparring match with Genpaku Arishima. Her defeat was absolute; the man showed no mercy. It was embarrassing, and made people stare and mumbled under their breath. A couple of weeks later, Kaminari ended up in the same Kido class as Genpaku. This is where she excels, so when they were partnered up again, she used Hainawa to lasso him around the training arena. Though it was her victory this time, the ladies of the school didn't appreciate their silver-haired prince being treated so roughly. Kaminari wasn't winning any popularity contests after that.

    Even though she was alone most of the time, Kaminari found a new goal that kept her focused. Each time she got the chance, she'd request to fight Genpaku. She wasn't shy about it either. A lot of the time, she'd stare right in his eyes and tell the instructor to let them fight. Most of the time, her request was granted. When her request was denied, Genpaku switched things up by requesting to fight her instead. Challenge accepted. A lot of their sparring continued into after school hours, but things turned more friendly. He'd help her with hakuda and she'd help him not blow his face up with kido. To her surprise, Kaminari made her first friend in years, but that ended when she found out he graduated earlier than most shinigami.

    Kaminari wasn't the best student, especially when she didn't have someone helping her, so her next few years were frustrating and lonely. She found a few people she could sort of talk to, but she always felt out of place. When she ended up failing multiple classes, people started avoiding her as well. It took her two years longer than most people to finally graduate from Shino Academy. Upon graduation, Kaminari was almost recruited by the Fifth Division, but her desire to work with the World of the Living led her to the Eighth Division. By some amount of luck, she ended up in the same Division as Genpaku. She assumed he wouldn't recognize her, but was proven wrong when he approached her and their friendship was almost instantly rekindled.

    Effect of the Swordbreaker's War (1939-1945)
    With the World of the Living really taking a spiritual beating, Kaminari found herself overworked. She was exhausted, in pain, and always depressed. The atrocities she was forced to witness during the World of the Living's World Wars shut her down. When the Arrancar noticed the imbalance and invaded the Soul Society and the World of the Living, pieces of her were being shredded. Kaminari stopped speaking for a year as she dealt with anxiety, nightmares, and depression. Lieutenant Arishima put her on the sidelines to help, but the real help came when Mai popped in to drag Kaminari out of her depression by talking and cooking her way through the Division's kitchen for hours. Hours turned to days, days to weeks, and Kaminari finally spoke.

    Rising in Ranks (1945-2020)
    Kaminari's ranking never mattered to her. She was placed where someone wanted her and that was fine. As someone left the Division, passed away, or rose in the ranks themselves, she would rise into their spots. However, when Genpaku Arishima made Captain, Kaminari was not going to be left in the dust. His Lieutenant position was going to open up sooner or later and she was going to step into it. She trained for shikai and obtained it, but had to wait until the year 2020 for her chance. Finally, the spot opened up and Kaminari signed up to take the test. Due to breaking the rules, Kaminari thought she had completely bombed the test. Her reflex to unsheathe her shikai when in trouble stopped the whole test. To her surprise, she actually won.

    The Lockout (2020-Present Time)
    The last fifty years have been hard on everyone, but they were especially hard on Captain Arishima. The first few years really weighed down on Kaminari, but she was able to adapt a lot easier. Captain Arishima had everyone training until exhaustion at first, but later put the Division on a special scheduled training. During these years, Kaminari got to see the part of her Captain that constantly reminded her of why she loved him. His genuine worry for the world of the living wasn't out of rage, like she initially thought, but a fear that others would go through things like he did. They became closer, and even moved in with each other.

    Kaminari's Powerset

    Trained Abilities:

    Kido: Kaminari has a strange knack for energy control, which has allowed her kido skill to excel beyond what is expected of her. Though she turned them down, her skill was high enough to be scouted by the Kido Corp and the Omnitsukido.

    Weapon Skill: Kaminari's weapon skill is in her study of iajutsu. She uses it in conjunction with her kido and zanpakuto abilities. She's been training for the last forty years.

    Hoho: Kaminari's Hoho skill isn't that great, but her skill in shunpo is at the level it needs to be for a Lieutenant, thanks to constant training with masters of the art.

    Zanjutsu: Kaminari's skill with zanjutsu comes naturally, but she doesn't practice it as much as she should because of her focus on iajutsu, so she's below average for her rank.

    Hakuda: The only time Kaminari even practices Hakuda is when her Captain makes her. She decided a few years back that she hates it. While she knows enough to defend herself, she is by no means a expert.

    The Zanpakuto

    Zanpakuto Release Phrase: Neutralize The Field
    Zanpakuto Appearance:
    Kaminari Hatakeyama Kaminari_Zan

    Shikai Name: Kiyohana (白華, White Flower)
    Shikai Appearance:
    Kaminari Hatakeyama Kaminari_Shikai

    Shikai Abilities: Kiyohana is an instant release shikai that creates a 100-ft radius nullification zone with the zanpakuto at its epicenter. Reiryoku that enters the affected area is instantly nullified, preventing the usage of powers and techniques that rely on it. This means that abilities used by Shinigami, Arrancar, Hollow, and Mediums are all negated. Quincy, who use reishi for their abilities, are able to use their abilities. The abilities that this power negates are the use of kido, kaido, hoho, zanjutsu, hakuda, the unsealing of zanpakuto, and all equivalent non-shinigami abilities. The nullification field also penalizes the physical stats of the natural sheet, lowering them by 15 to a minimum of 5. Kaminari is also penalized, but only takes a -5.

    Training within Kaminari's shikai can decrease this penalty by two for every thread completed with this goal. However, at least 5 rounds of posting within the thread must be dedicated to this goal for the character's training to decrease her shikai's penalty. The penalty is also never less than Kaminari's.

    ► Narrative Notes: The change inside Kaminari's shikai is not without obstacles. These obstacles do not impact Kaminari. Depending on the character, the obstacles could be lack of good reaction times, dizziness, nausea, problems with balance, issues that come with loss of strength and speed, and not being able to take pain as well. Leaving the area of effect instantly returns energy access, but these symptoms fade over time.

    Bankai Name: Teiden (停電, Blackout)
    Bankai Appearance: N/A
    Bankai Abilities: The abilities of Kaminari's bankai are copied from her shikai, except the following changes:
    ► Size of field increased to 2 miles.
    ► Normal Penalty: -30
    ► Kaminari's Penalty: -10
    ► Shikai training translates to bankai. No difference.

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:46 pm