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    Tsubine Shirazumi


    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 30
    Location : Not-so-sunny California

    Tsubine Shirazumi Empty Tsubine Shirazumi

    Post by Tsubine Tue Sep 13, 2022 2:11 am

    Tsubine Shirazumi XSAPp3

    Vizard Character Template

    Basic Information

    † Name: Tsubine Shirazumi (白泉 鶴火音)
    † Nicknames/Aliases: Isshin Kensei (一振 剣聖; Single Swing Sword Saint)
    † Appearance Age: Late-20s
    † Actual Age: 988
    † Gender: Male
    † Height: 6'3
    † Weight: 220lbs

    † Appearance:
    Tsubine Shirazumi 0pzpWN

    Character Synopsis

    † Personality:
    Tsubine's reputation is that of being a calm, yet passionate person. He's the type to waltz in on his subordinate's training regimens and watch—or even ask to join. He'll observe with nothing but a small smile on his face, and he'll not give pointers unless asked. Tsubine genuinely enjoys the time he spends with his subordinates and other Captains. If anything, the camaraderie Tsubine has shown with the other Divisions during his time as a proper Captain is what he has been most known for. His reputation as a Captain of Internal Affairs was described as being similar to a disappointed father. He's wanted the Gotei to be better.

    Why? Because Tsubine's come to terms that he's a flawed man. He's made mistakes. He's hurt people that didn't deserve it. He's been hurt. He's let that hurt control him. He's accepted that his pain can cause others' pain. And yet, he's striving to be better. Well, mostly. Because he's still flawed, he stumbles and for the past 15 years, he's been stumbling constantly.

    This is because of the passion Tsubine has within him. He cares for his comrades and the loss of three of his most trusted subordinates—his own wife included—during the Great Lockout nearly broke him. In some ways, he is broken. He'll wake up from nightmares screaming. Some sounds and smells send him into a panic. He swears he's seen his late wife out of the corner of his eye. He's got a lot of trauma bottled up, and it's only being fueled by his desire of guiding others to be better.

    Tsubine is someone who truly believes in what it means to be part of the Gotei 13. He's got an abundance of pride for what he does—and it shows. Although he's not one to stick with some traditions (hence his attire), he shows immense respect for what the Gotei is meant to be. It's not perfect, but it can always be better. Some might call him a progressive to the point of being radical. He does what he does to make things better from within. It's why he's formed the Red Division—to challenge an age-old belief that has been holding the Gotei back.

    † History:

    Early Life and Schooling—1084 to 1398:

    Joining the Gotei—1398-1501:

    Love and Promotions—1501-1940:


    The Great Lockout—20 to Present:

    Character Power Set

    † Equipment:
    Reiki Antei-chūsha: (霊器安定注射; Spiritual Body Stabilization Injection)Shortened to "Reianchū," this is a new experimental "medicine" from the Department of Research and Development. The liquid injection can temporarily increase Hollow Control by +15. However, it is also a strong paralytic agent that paralyzes the body. The goal of this is to assist a Vizard undergoing a forced Hollowfication in regaining control. It does not do anything for someone undergoing Hollowfication for the first time. Tsubine has six doses of these kept in a metal box like a cigar case.
    Konkankyō: (魂函渠; Soul Drain) This Zanpakutō once belonged to Tsubine's late wife, Kanna Hanashiro. After Kanna's death, Tsubine has been keeping the blade with him. Due to his wife's passing, the blade no longer has any of its power as a Zanpakutō. However, the investiture Kanna had put into the blade still remains. It retains its durability and the ability to be repaired by pouring enough Reiryoku into it.

    † Trained Abilities:

    Zanjutsu & Swordsmanship: "A sword is more than a tool, it is a way of life. You devote yourself to it, it will devote itself to you." Tsubine was one the best swordsmen in the Gotei when he was a Lieutenant, and his skill only increased from there. He earned his moniker of Isshin Kensei. If he had more disciples, the Gotei would be a force to be reckoned with as a whole. He is particularly skilled with iai-style attacks.

    Tsubine's skill with Zanjutsu comes from his master's way of swordsmanship: Reisen'yaku Zanjutsu (霊煎薬 斬術; Spiritual Infusion Swordsmanship). Reisen'yaku Zanjutsu is broken down into seven distinct forms. Each form is based upon the state at which a sword is wielded.

    • Mutō (無刀; Without Sword) - Mutō is the second-hardest to use form of the style. This form is an evolution of the technique Shitonegaeshi. It is infusing an object that is not a sword with the same style of Reiryoku as one would with a sword. This barely reinforces an object so a rolled-up poster is still a rolled-up poster—though it may be reinforced to have been thick, corrugated cardboard rather than laminated poster paper. This is obviously most effective with something that is sword-like (like a rolled-up poster) rather than something that is not (like a banana). The technique's inner workings are that Reiryoku is channeled into a shape—how it is channeled depends on the shape of what it is being channeled into. Mastery of this technique is evident by the creation of a "blade of Reiryoku" even without a catalyst to infuse. These blades of Reiryoku match the color and general appearance of the user's Reiatsu. Of all the forms, this is the one Tsubine has had the most trouble with. His skill with Mutō is lower than any of the other forms.

    • Sayatō (鞘刀; Sheathed Sword) - Sayatō changes a sword's "slashing" attribute into "bludgeoning." Effectively, it is using the sword in its scabbard. This form primarily focuses on reinforcing the Zanpakutō's scabbard with Reiryoku in order to prevent it from shattering. Doing so can make the scabbard as hard to break as a Zanpakutō entirely. Sayatō is a form particularly suited for non-lethal takedowns and has been a staple of Tsubine's time as Captain of Internal Affairs.

    • Hajitō (始刀; Opening Sword) - Hajitō is derived from iaijutsu—the art of drawing the sword. Like how Mutō was an evolution of Shitonegaeshi, this is an evolution of Hitotsume: Nadegiri. It focuses Reiryoku around the blade and the inside of the scabbard. This leads to an immense pressure build up within the scabbard as more and more Reiryoku is packed within a confined space. When the user finally decides to draw their sword, they use the build-up to propel the sword out from the scabbard with incredible velocity. To many, this is a difficult form because one must be able to not only keep the sword stable while building Reiryoku up, but also they must be able to maintain their grip and guide the sword during the drawing phase. Hajitō came naturally to Tsubine, and it is what he has focused on with his training. Tsubine's title of Isshin Kensei comes from his dominance of this technique.

    • Shōtō (掌刀; Palm Sword) - Shōtō is the form of wielding the sword one-handed and keeping the other hand free. It is a risky form as it fully expects the user to have decent skill in hand-to-hand. Shōtō relies on the open hand to deflect, grab, and strike while the sword-hand is occupied. If one has excellent skill in Hakuda, this is the form for them. As for the actual sword wielding, Shōtō's focus is on making quick strikes that make up for not having both hands gripping the sword. Tsubine's skill in this form is mixed. For the sword strikes, he's pretty good as it is the natural next step of Hajitō. For the hand-to-hand portion, he's not as good as his skill lies in using a sword—not his fists.

    • Akutō (握刀; Gripped Sword) - Akutō is the simplest form and is derived from the main form of Zanjutsu itself. It is based upon using both hands on the Zanpakutō in order to create a full Reiryoku circuit—as with the technique Ryōdan. This means the strikes from Akutō are stronger as they are using both arms to their fullest, but they are also easier to predict and somewhat slower than a single-handed strike. In order to make up for the lack of speed, Akutō has the user fill their sword with Reiryoku when they strike. Tsubine is decent enough with this, although he is naturally better at quick strikes.

    • Zentō (全刀; Entire Sword) - Zentō is using the sword and sheath together in unison. This requires constant shifting of Reiryoku in order to adapt to the situation. When in use, Zentō is shifting the Reiryoku from the sheath to the sword and the reverse constantly. When in perfect balance, the Reiryoku in both is weaker than if using Shōtō or Sayatō on their own. The trick is being able to shift Reiryoku from one to the other as the user needs. Tsubine is particularly adept with this if only because after drawing with Hajitō, he can pull the scabbard free easily.

    • Nitō (二刀; Two Swords) - Nitō is one that most people don't learn because dual Zanpakutō are rare. It is effectively a furthering of Zentō into a fully-offensive form. Reiryoku does not reinforce the entire blade along both swords, but instead just the cutting edge. With the edge reinforced and sharpened with Reiryoku, Nitō allows great, quick cuts. Tsubine is not particularly skilled with this, but he has been training with it thanks to carrying his late wife's Zanpakutō.

    Tsubine has a single technique he has perfected. Sandanzuki Jet Burst (三段突きJET BURST; Three-Stage Thrust Jet Burst) is his ultimate Zanjutsu technique. Tsubine developed this in order to make up for his lack of skill with Hohō. With his sword sheathed, Tsubine fills his scabbard with as much Reiryoku as he possible can. Tsubine has two options: he can draw or propel. If he draws, the cutting force is increased tenfold as the sword rockets out of the scabbard. He then performs the Sandanzuki technique—which is a set of three rapid thrusts with the blade. If he choses to propel, he opens the end cap allowing the Reiryoku to propel the sword (and hopefully him) forward like a rocket. Propelling is only used with his own Zanpakutō—as the cap at the end of the scabbard can be opened to accommodate this technique.

    Hakuda: "I don't think my hands are suited for striking, but I can manage." Tsubine would never be able to learn Shunkō if only because he doesn't care enough about using his hands in that manner. To him, his hands need to be perfectly fine so he can swing a sword. He doesn't like to risk breaking fingers when punching.

    Hohō: "I like to think I arrive just in time, all the time." Tsubine does not mesh with Hohō. He's below average for a Captain. The problem is distance. Tsubine has a problem with judging the distance with a Shunpō, so he rarely hits his mark. He overshoots more often than he does undershoots.

    Kidō: "The right Kidō at the right time can make all the difference." Tsubine is surprisingly good with Kidō. He has been working on perfecting Zangerin in order to cast it during an iai strike. He is not currently good enough to cast it without the incantation, so he has work to do.

    Cooking: "If you want your food to remain food, I suggest looking elsewhere." No.


    † Zanpakutō Appearance:
    Tsubine Shirazumi X2CY4b

    † Zanpakutō Spirit Appearance:
    Tsubine Shirazumi FnVJsc

    † False Release Phrase: Proffer (差し出す; Sashidasu)
    † False Shikai Name: Kōsumi Sotō (江墨 俎豆; Ink River Sacrificial Altar)
    † False Shikai Appearance: Kōsumi Sotō's blade melts and liquifies. The liquid blade is inky black. It rises up and down along the original length of the blade like a lava lamp.

    † False Shikai Abilities: Kōsumi Sotō's ability is to freely harden and liquify the water-like blade. It can effectively take whatever shape it wants, so long as it is within 2x the original mass of the original blade. It takes a post of concentration to get a specific shape set, but Tsubine can liquify and harden the lava lamp-like movement practically at-will.

    † Shikai Release Phrase: Praise (助業; Jyogō)
    † Shikai Name: Kōgin Reimei (江銀 礼盟; Silver River Oath Ceremony)
    † Shikai Appearance: The true appearance of Tsubine's Zanpakutō normally is exactly like the false release. Instead of it being inky black, the blade instead retains its metallic, silvery color. However, the liquid state of the blade no longer hardens necessarily at-will. The ability of the Zanpakutō determines the shape Kōgin Reimei takes.

    † Shikai Abilities: Kōgin Reimei is a Zanpakutō of mimicry. It is pride in others' abilities—their ability to be better people and use their abilities for good incarnate. If an ability makes contact with the blade of Kōgin Reimei—sealed, false Shikai, true Shikai, Bankai, or —it will be copied and stored within the blade's memory. Tsubine's Inner World is lined with orbs of a silvery metal much like this Shikai. Each of these is a stored ability from another Zanpakutō.

    Although there is no limit to the number of abilities that can be mimicked, there is a limit to the number of abilities per source. Kōgin Reimei can only copy a single ability per Zanpakutō. There's no differentiation between releases, a Zanpakutō is a Zanpakutō no matter what for the purposes of the mimicry. The biggest limitation of Kōgin Reimei is that he can only use one ability at a time. Tsubine can use an ability as many times as the ability's own limitations allow. He still stuck with the same limitations (such as per-post, per-thread, per-release, etc.) of an ability as the original. If an ability is dependent on stats, it uses Tsubine's stats.

    Upon copying, the liquid blade solidifies to appear like the sealed Zanpakutō it is copying. If the ability requires a specific shape from the release (such as a blast of energy requiring a hole in the blade), Kōgin Reimei will mimic that as well. If a Zanpakutō's ability is a simple physical transformation, Kōgin Reimei takes the form of the transformation. If the ability can not affect the blade, such as an illusion, it can not be copied.

    The true power of Kōgin Reimei is that Tsubine can switch which ability that is being mimicked. Tsubine can switch out twice at base. For every 9 points in Willpower, Tsubine gains the ability to switch the form of Kōgin Reimei one additional time with an additional time at max ranks for a maximum total of 14 switches per release. This post lists the abilities Tsubine has stored within Kōgin Reimei.

    † Bankai Name: Kōgin Reimei Ten'yo Kyūren (天与救漣 江銀 礼盟; Silver River Oath Ceremony Divine Gift of Salvation)
    † Bankai Appearance: Kōgin Reimei Ten'yo Kyūren solidifies as a disc of silver liquid. The disc drips like an oozing wound. It is aligned perfectly behind Tsubine. When an ability is being copied, the shape of the Zanpakutō emerges from the disc at equidistant points like the sun's rays.

    † Bankai Abilities: Kōgin Reimei Ten'yo Kyūren works just like its Shikai, but magnified. Kōgin Reimei Ten'yo Kyūren allows for the activation of multiple abilities at once. At base, Tsubine can use two abilities at once. For every 20 points in Willpower, Tsubine can use one additional ability to a maximum of seven abilities at once. Tsubine's ability to switch out abilities is slightly enhanced to a base of 4 to a total of 16 switches per release. Tsubine can also draw out the sealed Zanpakutō shape of any Zanpakutō he has copied an ability from.

    Not Yet Achieved:

    Vizard Abilities
    † Inner Hollow Appearance:
    Tsubine Shirazumi WAcCSj

    † Hollow Mask Appearance:
    Tsubine Shirazumi N5w21L

    † Regeneration: Tsubine has a natural high-speed regeneration much like that of an Arrancar's when he dons his mask. Unlike an Arrancar's High-Speed Regeneration, it is actually incredibly painful. As body parts regrow, they are outlined in crimson electricity. Currently, he can not regenerate from an instantly-fatal wound like his head being smashed in with a hammer. It is notable that Tsubine can use his High-Speed Regeneration at 25% capabilities when he is not Hollowfied.

    Cero/Bala: "Unlike Kidō, this is nothing but destruction concentrated." Tsubine does not use Cero that much if only because it is just concentrated destruction. His Cero are white with a crimson outline.

    Hollow Control: "This is as much of a part of me as any other personality quirk. I just have to keep it in check." Tsubine has a decent control over his Inner Hollow if only because he trained with Kaiedo Mōri.

    Mask Enhancement: "I don't like to use this power... but if I have to, I'm going to make the most of it." Out of the skills from his Vizard abilities, Tsubine is best with his Mask Enhancement. Although he doesn't like using this source of power, he wants to use every drop of the power when he does tap into it.

    Mask Duration: "This is the one time I think it's better if I finish fast." Tsubine has not trained his mask time that much.


    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 30
    Location : Not-so-sunny California

    Tsubine Shirazumi Empty Re: Tsubine Shirazumi

    Post by Tsubine Tue Sep 13, 2022 7:51 pm

    Tsubine Shirazumi A2rBjS

    Tsubine Shirazumi Q2pT4E
    Basic Information

    † :

    † :

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