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    Lilith Blake


    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 31
    Location : English

    Lilith Blake Empty Lilith Blake

    Post by Serenity Sat Sep 17, 2022 12:29 pm

    Lilith's Basic Information

    Name: Lilith Blake
    Aliases: The Juggernaut
    Age: 1,122
    Age Appearance: Mid-to-Late 30s
    Gender: Female
    Height: 6'0"
    Weight: 160
    Affiliation: Gotei, 1st Division
    Position: Head Captain

    Lilith Blake LilithAppearance(1)

    Lilith's Personality

    Lilith's demeanor is pretty intimidating. She comes off as aggressive, angry, and domineering. She always carries herself like she's ready for a fight. She doesn't smile often and has a condition called resting-bitch-face. Her height and broad build help the intimidation factor too. Her reputation is that of a merciless, combat-lover who can't be harmed. The only exception to this is when she's interacting with her son: Genpaku Arishima.

    Lilith is someone who does not give a damn about what other people think. She's very confident in herself, to degree of arrogance. She has no problem telling someone what she thinks of them, especially if it insults them. These insults are meant to be playful, but she enjoys picking on people's insecurities. Lilith had a protective instinct that acts as her compass, but there are few people that she feels that way about. Not hard to guess who.

    Lilith doesn't do much in her free time. She can be caught drinking or hanging out at bars, but that's rare because of the intensity of her job. She doesn't find herself with enough free time to do anything more than work. Lilith has a surprising love of children, giving her a soft spot that very few know she has. In many cases, Lilith looks at all of the young people in the Gotei as children, so she can come off as motherly (bossy) to them.

    Lilith has a fear of being abandoned, so she isn't someone that is easy to get to know. She can talk up a storm about events that happened, things she's heard or seen, but she does not talk about how she feels or thinks. She isn't someone who let's her emotions show, with the one expected exception being her son. This fear of abandonment also creates bad trust issues. She doesn't expect someone to have her back, even if they do.

    Lilith's Background

    Life & Death (948-980)
    Someone who lives over a thousand years does not remember everything that's ever happened to them. Lilith doesn't remember her life or death, her early years as a soul in the Rukongai, or even her early years in the Gotei. She doesn't remember her parents, whether she had siblings, whether she was ever married, or her own birthday. She guesses and it changes. What she does remember is that she died bloody and alone in the mid-900s.

    Rukongai to Gotei (980-1002)
    Life in the Rukongai was rough at first. She had a hard time figuring out food, and when she found any, there were those who tried taking it from her. After a while, she became tired of it and fought back. Lilith realized quickly that she was a fighter. She loved it. She destroyed her opponents and swiftly ended up the head of a gang. They controled their territory ruthlessly, but their rules were fair and protected people.

    It wasn't until a rival gang with a bad attitude showed up that they were ever challenged. Lilith's gang was almost completely destroyed, her friends killed. Yet, she did not shed a tear. Instead, she tracked their murderers down and killed them all one by one. In the final battle, a shinigami showed up after she ended it and arrested her. After an investigtion, she was seen as guilty, but given a choice: Shino Academy or prison.

    Climbing a Mountain (1153-1592)
    Falling for her Captain was not part of her plan, but it happened anyway. Back when Kaito Toma was Captain of the Eleventh Division, Lilith gained her own little school girl crush on the man. He was quiet a bit older, but that did not matter, especially with the lifespans of shinigami. The problem was another woman stood in her way. Lilith wasn't the type of person to give up though. She stood her ground and flirted when she could.

    It wasn't too long after that when she and Kaito became a couple. The two dated for 450 years before the romance between them faded. They had no ill will between each other, and to this day are very good friends. Since they never took the step to get married and just stayed committed to each other, they didn't have to worry about those implications. Well, at least that was the thought... In recent years, secrets emerged.

    The Juggernaut (1385)
    Lilith took over Captain Toma's position when he moved Divisions. This made her the Captain of the Eleventh Division. She's never been too fond of paperwork, but she doesn't like callin' anyone boss even more, even if she loves the man. Over the years of her Captaincy, Lilith proved to be a force. For years, she never came back from a mission with even a scratch. She began being called indestructible, immortal, and The Juggernaut.

    Love and Loss (1703-1759)
    Lilith had only loved someone once before, but when she met Kenshin, there was something different about it. They became lovers quickly and fell deeply in love. The two had so much in common, from their likes to their goals in life. They wanted to get married, have children, and settle down with a family. However, an Arrancar with immense power made itself known and caught Lilith unguarded. To everyone's surprise, the Juggernaut fell.

    Lilith was in the hospital for weeks. She lost an eye and the injuries to her lower belly were severe. When she woke, the doctor told her something that changed the course of her life. Her world darkened, Kenshin broke their relationship off, and Lilith forever changed. No more smiles, no more fun, and just a lot of anger and trust issues. Lilith's desire for battle intensified. She began looking for trouble, and often found it.

    Well shit... I love this kid (1893-Forever)
    Lilith was approached by her Lieutenant with a silver haired baby-shinigami. The young shinigami claimed to have killed a thousand hollow before being caught by Gotei members. He had been on the run for five years before then, and this quickly caught Lilith's attention. Lilith was amused and escorted Genpaku Arishima to Head Captain Saionji to explain Gen's situation, only to have him enrolled in Shino Academy.

    When Genpaku graduated, he was registered with Lilith's Division, something she requested early on. She began training him in hand-to-hand styles, specifically focusing on Hakuda. Over time, the two of them became close and Lilith realized she felt protective over him. After a couple of years, something clicked in the back of her mind. She loved the boy and had stepped into the role of mother... and she found nothing wrong with it.

    Swordbreaker's War (~1945)
    For Lilith, this war ended with her making the final blow on Gaintain. Realizing the monster that attacked her home was the same one who ruined her life decades before sent her into a rage. Lilith found herself with one goal: Gaintain must die. Five others came to Hueco Mundo with her, but they were told to take care of the other Arrancar. Kaito made sure that Lilith fought this battle on her own, since it was only hers to fight.

    With Gaintain dead, there was a relief on Lilith's heart that she thought would never come. After Kenshin broke up with her, he had very quickly found another woman to move onto, making her feel like their relationship was nothing to him. Then, when he died at the hands of someone she once thought a friend, she never got to forgive him. Killing Gaintain was the only thing that she could do. It helped free her from so much anger.

    When she returned home with the other Captains and the war was finally ended, a lot of debate came about the focus of the Gotei 13. The Divisions needed more focus, more resources, more everything. The Captains decided a restructuring was necessary. Head Captain Saionji gave up his position and asked Lilith to take his place, though he never gave a reason why. Since then, Lilith has been the Captain Commander of the reformed Gotei 13.

    Lilith's Powerset


    Tengan (天眼; Heavenly/Empyrean Eye): This small machine acts as a replacement eye and gives Lilith vision. It also acts as a dam for her reiatsu. Instead of it running freely, it's backed up to prevent her energy from overwhelming those around her. Unfortunately, exactly like a dam, when this energy is suddenly released, it washes over anything within range. Depending on who they are, a person can be completely crushed. Lilith turns this eye on and off by pressing in the iris.

    Trained Abilities

    Note: Unless otherwise stated, she is Captain-level in all shinigami skills.

    Energy and Control: Lilith has a hard time controling the monstrous amount of energy she has. It's assumed the nature of her zanpakuto altered her reiryoku, but standing within her reiryoku is "heavy." It has been compared to diving into deep water without proper preparation or equipment. It's painful and suffocating. The problems with her energy is somewhat controlled by the device Touko Ishizaki created for her: Tengan.

    Hakuda/Hand-to-Hand: Lilith is one of the best Hakuda users around, likely second only to Kaito. Years of intense battle and sparring with the best has framed her into a master of close-quarters combat. While her friends prefer grappling and throwing, Lilith takes a straight forward hand-to-hand approach and uses her skill to guarantee that her fists and feet smash the skulls of anyone who dares stand in her way.

    Hoho: Lilith's skill in Hoho is less than expected. She doesn't focus on speed techniques and has never been the fasted out there. She can do shunpo mostly, but it's often inaccurate.

    Kido: Due to her heavy, uncontrollable reiryoku, Lilith has very little ability to advance her skill in kido. They always fire off too strong and too destructive, or explode in her face.

    The Zanpakuto

    Zanpakuto Release Phrase: Embrace (Said while placing mark)
    Zanpakuto Appearance:
    Lilith Blake LilithZan(2)

    Shikai Name: Eien no Bo 永遠の母 Eternal Mother
    Shikai Appearance:
    Lilith Blake Knot(1)

    Shikai Abilities: Lilith's zanpakuto is a constant release. While sheathed, her zanpakuto has a second form of konso, but this one places the "Mother's Mark" on the person. This mark creates a powerful, unbreakable connection between Lilith and the person she places one on. The connection comes with the following benefits:
    1) Locate the marked one as long as they are in the same realm.
    2) Sense their strong emotional changes: rage, despair, elation, terror.
    3) Transfer 50% of the marked one's wounds to herself.
    4) Inability to physically harm the marked one.
    5) Lilith gains a permanent +2 increase to her physical stats for each marked one.

    Marked Ones: (In order of first to last)
    Kaito Toma
    Kenshin Takahashi
    Genpaku Arishima

    Bankai Name: On'na Ienaga (女家長 The Matriarch)
    Bankai Appearance: Lilith takes on physical features of the fallen marked one, usually hair and eye color.
    Bankai Abilities: Lilith cannot activate her own bankai. She does not realize she has a bankai because of how it appears. Upon a marked one's death, Lilith teleports instantly to their body and her bankai activates. When this happens, she gains the unlocked abilities of the marked one's zanpakuto for 30 minutes.

      Current date/time is Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:35 am