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    Character Creation FAQ


    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 31
    Location : English

    Character Creation FAQ Empty Character Creation FAQ

    Post by Serenity Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:56 am

    Character Creation FAQ FAQ_Character_Creation
    Below are questions that clear up a lot about our character grading and creation rules. Please read it carefully, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Some information might feel repetitive, but we're trying to make things as clear as possible.

    What is the point of character grading?
    We grade characters to allow members to understand where their character sits in comparison to others. The skill sheets we use allow for comparisons that dictate different elements of roleplay, including social and combat threads. We have even designed a point system that feels somewhat like playing a video game. Character grading is also to make sure that powers are fair and balanced across the site.

    What skill sheets are there?
    There are two skill sheets: natural and racial.
    • Natural: The natural skill sheet is the sheet that every character will have. It consists of physical and mental skills. The physical skills are: Dexterity, Durability, Stamina, and Strength. The mental skills are Intelligence, Willpower, Weapon Skill, and Unarmed Combat.
    • Racial: The racial skill sheet will be different for characters based off their race. Each race on Broken Legends has a skill sheet with four skills in it, each a specific technique special to their race.
    • Extra Note: The Vizards are the only race that have an extra skill sheet. This is because they are both Hollow and Shinigami.

    What are the grades for a character application?
    When grading a character, we give three different grades:
    • Tier: A characters tier represents the maximum amount of reiryoku (energy) they have. A characters energy dictates their natural skill sheet. The natural skill sheet has mental and physical stats. We do understand that mental skills governed by energy is odd, but for balance and simplicity reasons we went with it anyway.
    • Combat Level: The combat level of a character represents their knowledge of techniques for their race. Every race comes with a racial sheet that is different from other races. For example, Shinigami have Hoho, Zanjutsu, Hakuda, and Kido.
    • Experience Level: The experience level of a character represents an overall view of the character's place in the world. Experience grants the owner of the character a number of points to spend in the sheet they are assigned to. You cannot spend natural skills in the racial sheet or racial skills in the natural sheet.
    • Extra Note: Because the Vizards have an extra skill sheet, they will get an extra set of skill points, but it will follow the same rules and charts that all others follow. The points do not crossover.

    Are there any limitations on skills?
    Yes! Upon initial approval, no character can have a skill total a number higher than 85. Through participation in roleplay, they will grow over time, but we are limiting our powerhouses for the sake of character growth and site balance. Characters must earn their legendary statuses.
    Another limitation goes for all characters, new or old. The absolute skill maximum is 100. No skill will ever go above 100.

    Does my character grow over time?
    Yes! Definitely! As long as you participate in roleplay, you can apply for a character upgrade. There is a chart that shows you what opens up as the character levels. This is how characters gain access to shikai, segunda etapa, and much more. For more information on character upgrades, click here: Character Leveling and Upgrading

    Are there limitations on character upgrades?
    Yes. A character will not be allowed to jump more than two levels at once. Because of this, we recommend keeping track of the threads your characters are part of. If the experience the character allocates is more than two levels worth, a lot of experience may go to waste.

    Are there limitations on character powers?
    Yes! These are explained in the site rules in the "character creation" section. Click here: Site Rules

      Current date/time is Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:41 am