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    Energy on Broken Legends


    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2022-08-03
    Age : 30
    Location : Not-so-sunny California

    Energy on Broken Legends Empty Energy on Broken Legends

    Post by Tsubine Fri Aug 19, 2022 3:39 am

    Energy on Broken Legends Energy_on_Broken_Legends
    Energy on Broken Legends is broken down into three forms: Reishi, Reiryoku, and Reiatsu. Now, some of you might know a bit about the Bleach setting and have some questions already. Let us address those now.

    Wait, three? I thought there were 4/5! Although in canon there are two additional energies (Kishi and Reimyaku), we are not recognizing these on Broken Legends as energy sources to be tapped into. This is to allow for ease of explanation and for ease of energy interaction.

    Isn't Reiatsu just— You're exactly right! This is explained further down in the actual Reiatsu section. It's just easier to refer to it as a third energy type for this thread.

    What's this "and a half" bit about? This has to do with the "fourth" Rei- topic related to energy—Reiraku. It is explained below in the "Energy Sensing" section along with Pesquisa.


    What is Reishi? Reishi (霊子, Spirit Particles) composes the spiritual bodies of Souls, including Hollows and Shinigami, and everything in Hueco Mundo and Soul Society. There is also a certain amount of Reishi in the Human World. Free Reishi tends to be found in places closer to nature. It is invisible for non-spiritually-aware Humans. When it is being broken down (a la Quincy), Reishi appears to be globules of white-blue light.

    How is Reishi used? As mentioned above, Reishi makes up all spiritual matter of Souls and all matter within the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo. Reishi is used mostly by the Quincy. Quincy absorb the Reishi around them and then use it to combat Hollows. Most often, Quincy use Reishi as projectiles capable of destroying Hollows.


    What is Reiryoku? Reiryoku (霊力, Spiritual Power) is the main energy of Broken Legends. It is the energy—and therefore the power—of a Soul. Every spiritual being and Human has a certain amount of Reiryoku. Through experience, training, and getting into life-or-death scenarios, the amount of Reiryoku one has will increase. On-site, the amount of Reiryoku one has is defined by their Tier.

    How is Reiryoku used? Simply put, Reiryoku is energy. It is what is used to power abilities such as Kidō and Cero, what makes up the energy attacks of Zanpakutō and the physical form of a Quincy's spiritual weapon, and what can increase physical abilities to superhuman levels. When a Hollow or Arrancar eats a Soul, this is what they are eating—not the Reishi.


    What is Reiatsu? Reiatsu (霊圧, Spiritual Pressure) isn't an energy. It is the physical force and pressure Reiryoku creates when it is released. To put it simply, Reiryoku is the amount of energy a being has stored within their body or soul, whereas Reiatsu is the pressure that a person's Reiryoku exerts. In general, those with high levels of Reiryoku will often have the highest levels of Reiatsu also. A skilled warrior can overcome a person possessing greater Reiryoku by possessing greater Reiatsu - this is achieved by having greater control over their own spiritual energy. When Reiatsu is exerted, it will have a specific color. Each individual has their own Reiatsu color.

    How is Reiatsu used? Reiatsu might seem like it doesn't have much use, but it does. Reiatsu at its most basic level can instill fear in others when it is very high (in comparison to the one feeling it). Willpower is the simplest way to fight this effect. High levels of Reiatsu can cause those of lower levels to be stunned by simply being in the presence of a high level spiritual being. When a spiritual being of high Reiatsu chooses to, they can paralyze an opponent just by focusing Reiatsu through their stare or presence. A combatant exerting high levels of Reiatsu can even make their opponent feel as though they are being attacked, even though nothing is physically happening to them. Those with elemental-based abilities (such as a Shinigami with a fire-type Zanpakutō) can influence the area around them with their Reiatsu if it is strong enough.

    Sensing Energy

    The senses by which one feels and pick up on Reiatsu are known as "Reikaku" (霊覚, Spiritual Sense). Any spiritually aware being can "sense" Reiatsu. Although they may not be able to pinpoint its origin, type, or strength (unless any of these are being focused upon), sensing Reiatsu is the first step to being able to sense spiritual beings. There are a few techniques that are based around Reikaku.

    One of these is Reiraku (霊絡, Spirit Coils). Reiraku is the visualization of Reiryoku into ribbons which spiritually aware beings can follow. To the user of the technique, a Shinigami's Reiraku is red, a Quincy's is blue, a Hollow's is yellow, an Arrancar's is black, a Vizard's is orange, a Medium's is green, and a normal Human's is white.

    Another technique is utilized by Arrancar. This is Pesquisa (Inquiry). The practitioner sends out a radiating pulse which reacts to sources of Reiatsu within a certain proximity, allowing the practitioner to determine the location of any sensed individuals and gauge how powerful they actually are. In order to fully utilize Pesquisa, the Arrancar must close their eyes and enter a meditation-like state to attain the necessary heightened sense of awareness.

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:45 pm